Cornelius Winfield Fink
Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science
Education and Career
A.B., Muskingum College, 1914; Engaged in Journalism, 1914-19; Instructor in Social Scienve and Latin, Dresden, Ohio, High School, 1920-22; Instructor in Economics, Ohio Sate University, 1922-24; A.M., Ohio State University, 1924; Associate Professor of Economics, Ohio University, 1924-26; Associate Professor of Economics, 1926-30; Graduate Work at University of Michigan, 1928; University of Wisconsin, 1929; Northwestern University, 1930.

Member of the American Association of University of Professors and the American Economic Association.

Involvement with Dickinson College
Fink joined the Dickinson faculty in 1930 as an Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science. During the 1933-1934 school year, Fink taught three classes in Economics and three classes in Political Science1. In addition to teaching he was a faculty advisor to the Debate Club.

Full Biography


1. 1933-1934 Dickinson College Course Catalogue Book, p.50-52.


Dickinson College Microcosom, 1934, p. 38, Dickinson College Archives.
"Fink, Cornelius Winfield" Dropfile, Dickinson College Archives.
1933-1934 Dickinson College Course Catalogue Book, Dickinson College Archives.

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-Cynthia L. Mackey '03
Class of 1934     Chronicles

Dickinson College

Dickinson 1934 is a project of Prof. Osborne's History 204 Class, Fall Semester 2000.
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