Academy, proposed, 6. |
Adams, President John, addressed by Dickinson students, 162; his reply, 164. |
Admission standards, 377. |
Aigster, Dr., employed but hastily withdrew, 187. |
Allen, William H., Professor, 255; trustee, 285. |
Alumni Gymnasium, 389. |
Alumni, high standing of early, 146 ff. |
Anti-Federalist celebration, 200. |
Appold, Lemuel T., services of, 379. |
Armstrong, John, death of, 178; letters to Rush, 22; to trustees, 49; opposition to a new college, 11-22; sketch of, 4. |
Athletic Field, Biddle, 365. |
Attendance, student, 291, 363, 376. |
Atwater, Jeremiah, administration, 180-202; chosen Principal, 179; difficulties encountered, 186, 187; letters from, 181, 183, 184, 194; letters of Hamilton on, 182; proposed budget, 193. |
Ayres, Frank, Instructor, 386. |
Background, 1 ff. |
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, letter of resignation, 287; Professor, 284; tribute to the Faculty, 287. |
Ball, Commencement, 1812, 218. |
Baltimore Conference, actions on transfer, 229; committee of, 230; conditions of transfer, 234. |
Battenhouse, Henry M., Professor, 384. |
Baumgartner, William M., Professor, 384. |
Beaver, Thomas, endows professorship, 328. |
Bell, the college, 196, 269. |
Belles Lettres Society, strives with U. P. Society for honors, 114. |
Bequests, Coleman, 221; Gambrill, 378; Hoffman, 365; Watkins, 390; Weaver, 379. |
Berard, Claudius, Professor, 198. |
Biddle Athletic Field, 365. |
Biddle, Edward W., President of Trustees, 372; quoted on Rush, 39-40; statement on old college building, 80. |
Biddle, William M., death of, 308. |
Bingham, William, subscription of, 33. |
"Bingham's Porch" meeting, 7. |
Bishop, Arthur V., Professor, 390. |
Blaine, Ephraim, sketch of, 6. |
Blumenthal, Charles Edward, Professor, 283. |
Borland, John, Professor, 199. |
Bosler, James W., Memorial Library Building, 348. |
Bowman, Bishop Thomas, extracts from letter, 292. |
Bowman, Claude C., Instructor, 386. |
Bowman, Milton Edgar, Professor, 386. |
Bowman, Shadrack L., Professor, 321. |
Brooke, Benjamin F., tribute to Durbin, 252; to Emory, 273. |
Brosius, Guy C., Professor, 386. |
Brown, Matthew, letter on Nisbet, 56. |
Bryan, Noah R., Instructor, 386. |
Buchanan, President James, comments on his college life, 172; early alumnus, 148. |
Bullock, Hazel J., Professor, 386. |
Burns, Sara Helen, Librarian, 387. |
Campus, fenced, 96; improved, 244, 366; paving ordered, 304; site purchased, 81; vegetables on, 256. |
Carlisle, county seat for western Pennsylvania, 20; early conditions in, 152; invaded by Confederates, 316. |
Carlisle Library Company, interest of Nisbet in, 153. |
Carnegie, Andrew, emergency contribution of, 364. |
Carver, Clarence J., Professor, 385. |
Catalogues, early issues of, 197. |
Centennial, College, Campaign for funds, 347; church, 320. |
Chambers, Justice George, statement about James Ross, 100. |
Chambers, Rev. Talbot W., on transfer, 238. |
Chapelle, Benjamin F., Instructor, 370. |
Chapman, E. Winifred, Instructor, 390. |
Charter, amendments to, 15; oath prescribed in, 16; Rush and the, 7-15; summarized, 14-15. |
Civil War, effects on College, 311. |
Clarke, Mrs. Asbury J., endows professorship, 378. |
Class division of students, 140. |
Cleland, John Scott, Instructor, 384. |
Cleveland, Charles Dexter, Professor, 224. |
Cole, George F., Professor, 372. |
Coleman, Robert, bequest of, 221. |
Collins, Charles, administration of, 301; discipline under, 308; resignation of, 308. |
Commencement, first, under Durbin, 292; under Nisbet, 132. |
Commencement Ball, 1812, 218. |
Commencement honors, literary societies struggle for, 114; method of assigning, 114. |
Confederate invasion of Carlisle, 316. |
Conway Hall erected, 364. |
Conway, Moncure D., description of slavery trial, 278; on early Faculty, 287; statement concerning Peck, 296; tribute to Emory, 274. |
Cooper, Rev. Robert, opposed to a new college, 11. |
Cooper, Thomas, disposes of Priestley apparatus to College, 190; Professor, 187. |
Cram, Lafayette R., Professor, 388. |
Cramer, Michael J., Professor, 368. |
Craver, Forrest E., Professor, 370. |
Crider, George W., Professor, 370. |
Crooks, George R., Centennial address, 257; Professor, 283. |