Wayne-Chatfield Taylor
The Honorable Wayne-Chatfield Taylor was the former Under Secretary of Commerce and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. A graduate of Yale University, Taylor was the president of the Export-Import Bank of Washington from 1945-46. He later became the economic advisor to Paul G. Hoffman in setting up the European Cooperation Administration, and was also the economic advisor to the European Recovery Program after World War II. He had served as an advisor to John Hartigan in the planning of his Foreign Service Career School for Dickinson College since the beginning of 1948, along with Hallam Tuck, the Executive Secretary of the International Refugee Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.1 Wayne Taylor was a trustee of the Christian Herter School on Foreign Educational Foundation, which merged with Johns Hopkins University in the late 1940’s.2 He gave the Buchanan Day Address at Dickinson on April 23, 1948 during which he praised the Marshall Plan. Taylor was also given an honorary degree for his work as a public servant from Dickinson College under President William Edel on May 5, 1949. 3
Hon. Wayne Chatfield Taylor, advisor to John Hartigan.
Photograph Courtesy of Dickinson College Special Collections.
1. 175th Anniversary of Dickinson College: Drop File. Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
2. Letter from William Edel to John Hartigan: President's Files. 5 June, 1951. Dickinson College Archives and
Special Collections, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, RG2, Box 3, Folder 13 (Hartigan Correspondence).3. 175th Anniversary of Dickinson College: Drop File. Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.