Martha Katherine Loder
Hometown:  Bridgeton, Nj
Bachelor of Arts
Y.W.C.A. Fresh commission 1
Harmon Literary Society 1,2
Glee Club 3

        Martha Loder was born in Bridgeton, Nj on July 12,1914.  Her parents names were LeRoy Ward Loder and Mande Martha Woodruff.  She was affiliated with the Methodist Church.  She attended Bridgeton High School.  Upon graduation Martha matriculated to Dickinson College where she earned a place in the Phi Beta Kappa Honors fraternity.  She graduated in 1934 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree.  She continued her education at the University of Pennsylvania and earned her Ph.D..  She became head of the English department at Bridgeton High School.  On March 4, 1950 she earned the American Legion Award of Merit for distinguished service.

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