Mary Buckley Taintor
Associate Professor of Romance Languages
Education and Career
A.B., Ripon College, 1911; A.M., Leland Standford Jr. University, 1918; Student, American Classical School, Rome, Italy, 1911-12; Teacher of Latin and French, Milwaukee State Normal School, 1912-17; Student, University of Grenoble, France, Summer of 1913; Graduate Student and Instructor in Latin, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1917; Teacher of Latin and French, Venice, California, High School, 1918; Graduate Study, University of Chicago, Summer Session, 1919; Professor of French, Ripon College, 1919-28; Graduate work at Columbia University, 1926-28.

Involvement with Dickinson College
Taintor joined the Dickinson faculty in 1928 as an Associate Professor of Romance Languages. During the 1933-1934 school year, Taintor taught four classes in French1. Her office was located in room 207 in Denny Hall2.

Full Biography


1.1933-1934 Dickinson College Course Catalogue Book, p.48-49.
2.1933-1934 Dickinson College Student Handbook, p. 21.


Dickinson College Microcosm, 1934, p. 47, Dickinson College Archives.
"Taintor, Mary Buckley" Dropfile, Dickinson College Archives.
1933-1934 Dickinson College Course Catalogue Book, Dickinson College Archives.
1933-1934 Dickinson College Student Handbook, Dickinson College Archives.

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-Cynthia L. Mackey '03
Class of 1934     Chronicles

Dickinson College

Dickinson 1934 is a project of Prof. Osborne's History 204 Class, Fall Semester 2000.
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