1. The Officers of this Chapter shall be a
president, a vice president, a secretary, an assistant secretary,
a treasurer, and a historian, whose duties shall be
those usually pertaining to their respective offices, as well as those
herein prescribed.
2. All elections of officers shall take place
at the annual meeting, and shall be by ballot. Nominees shall be
Associate Members of the Chapter
(III.2). Officers
shall continue in office for one year, and the term of office of each
officer, except that of the secretary, assistant secretary, and
historian, shall
not continue for a period of more than three years consecutively.
1. The officers of the Chapter, plus the
chairman of the Committees on Scholarships, on Alumni and Honorary
Membership, and on Nominations,
shall constitute a
permanent Executive Committee. This committee shall have power to fill
vacancies among
the officers and committees until the next regular meeting of the chapter,
to appoint any committees it may deem proper, and to direct matters
generally between annual meetings of the Chapter.
2. The Committee
on Alumni and Honorary Membership shall consist of three
members elected to serve for three years, one member of the committee
being elected
at each annual meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to
consider the qualifications for membership of graduates of the
College in classes
at least fifteen years prior to said annual meeting, and to canvass
the qualifications of any others suggested. Having considered the
and qualifications
all such, the Committee shall report to the annual meeting the names
and qualifications of all whom it deems worthy of consideration.
3. There shall be a permanent Committee on Scholarship composed
of at least three members plus the Secretary, ex officio. They
make nominations
for membership in course and review criteria for eligibility.
A Nominating Committee of three shall be elected by the chapter
from nominations made from the floor. The term of office on this
shall be three
years, one member to be elected at each annual meeting. This
committee shall present
its slate of officers at the annual meeting.
5. Other committees
may be appointed as herein provided (II. 1), or elected as circumstances
may warrant.
1. This Chapter may elect and receive
into its membership three classes, designated as follows:
a. Members
in course, elected from among the undergraduate students of the
b. Alumni members elected from graduates of the College whose achievements
subsequent to graduation shall be deemed such as to entitle them
to election. Except in cases of unusual distinction no graduate
be elected within
fourteen years after receiving his bachelor's degree.
c. Honorary members, elected because of distinction in art, science,
education, or letters.
2. Members of Phi Beta Kappa who become
members of the Faculty or Officers of the Administration of Dickinson
College shall be
Associate members
of the Chapter.
3. Associate Members of the Chapter, together
with undergraduate members in course on campus, shall be the resident
Other members of
the Chapter
shall have full membership privileges, except the privilege
of voting on candidates for election to membership. However,
Associate Members
may hold office
1. The annual meeting shall be held at such
time during commencement week as may be fixed by the Executive
Committee. Notice of the time
and place
of the
meeting shall be mailed at least one week in advance to all resident
members (III.3), together with a brief statement of matters of
prime importance
to be presented.
2. Special meetings may be called by the president
at any time and place designated by him. In his absence, the vice-president
or the
may issue the call.
Further, at the written request of eight members a call for a
special meeting must be issued by the Secretary. Notice of the
time and
place shall be
sent by mail no less than one week in advance to all resident
members. At the
special meeting no business shall be transacted other than that
stated in the notice
of the meeting.
3. Ten resident members shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business, except the election of undergraduate
members, where
one half
of the associate
members shall constitute a quorum. Members of other chapters
who do not qualify for Associate Membership as defined in these
may be invited
to any meeting with voice but not with vote.
4. At the annual
meeting the suggested order of Business shall be:
a. Call to
b. Reading of minutes
c. Report of Committee on Alumni and Honorary Membership Election
d. Initiation of New Members
e. Reports:
Executive Committee
Committee on Nominations: Election of Officers
Committee on Scholarship
Special Committees (e.g. Audit Committee)
District Conference
United Chapters
g. Deferred Business
h. New Business
i. Welfare of the Society
j. Adjournment
5. The Chapter shall, whenever possible and convenient,
be represented at all meetings of the
Triennial National Council of the United
Chapters; also
meetings called within the Middle
Atlantic District. Delegates shall be selected by the
Executive Committee.
V. Nominations and Election
of Members
1. Members in course shall be elected primarily on
the basis of scholarly achievement, broad cultural interests, and
character. Juniors
and seniors who are enrolled
in the College and are candidates for the bachelor's degree shall
be eligible for consideration, if their undergraduate record
fulfills the following
minimum requirements:
a. For election at the end of the junior
year, the candidate shall have completed at least 25 courses
of college work. The calibre
of his work
should be of
exceptional distinction, attaining a Dickinson grade point
average of at least 3.75, based
on at least 21 courses bearing the grades of A, B. C, D,
I or F and their + or - variants. The grade point average shall
be defined
in the Dickinson
College Bulletin.
b. For election at the middle of the senior
year, the candidate shall have completed at least 29 courses
of college work.
His/her Dickinson
point average shall be at least 3.60 based on at least
21 courses bearing the grade
of A, B. C, D, or F. and their + or - variants calculated
as in (a). However, senior midyear elections combined
with elections
at the
end of the Junior
year shall not exceed 8 percent of the prospective
graduating class.
c. For election at the end of the senior year,
the candidate shall have satisfied the requirements for graduation,
including residency
Dickinson grade point average shall be at least 3.50.
Each student to be considered for Phi Beta Kappa shall be invited
to submit to the Secretary a 500-800 word
essay. The invitation
should explain the
United Chapters' stipulation about breadth in liberal
education. This
optional essay
will allow him to compare his/her own curriculum
at Dickinson with the national guidelines, defending it
against any
He/she may refer
to appropriate outside activities, special courses
in secondary school, internships, or any other applicable
The secretary shall
invite letters from:
a. all juniors meeting the criteria for election of the
By-laws This letter will be due in the Secretary's hands by August
15 of the summer
following the junior year. These letters shall be judged by the Scholarship
b. all seventh-semester seniors with an average of 3.40 or
higher. These letters shall be judged by teams of chapter members,
regularly of two faculty members and one student member and representing
the three divisions of the College.
2. Students who complete their
college course after the close of an academic year and become
eligible under 1(c), above, shall be considered with the appropriate
eligible group of the next academic year.
3. The number of undergraduates
eligible from any class, including those
elected as juniors, shall not exceed ten per cent of the number of
undergraduates receiving
the bachelor's degree in that class; provided that under exceptional
circumstances, a further 2 1/2 percent of the class may be eligible.
Not more than five
percent of the members of any class may be elected as juniors.
Election to membership in Phi Beta Kappa is wholly within the
discretion of the members of this chapter, subject only to the
by the Constitution and By-laws of the chapter and the United Chapters
of Phi
Beta Kappa, and no right to election shall adhere to any student
solely by reason of fulfillment of the minimum grade point average
for election
membership in course.
5. Nominations for membership in course shall
be made by the Committee on Scholarship from a list of all students
who meet the formal
requirements for election.
This list, once approved by the Chapter, shall be the basis for
any further nominations from the floor. All elections shall be
by separate
secret ballot.
Whenever balloting on any candidate shall result in not more
than one negative vote, the candidate shall be declared elected.
fewer than a majority
of votes are positive, the candidate shall be declared defeated.
Whenever two or more but less than a majority of negative votes
result, it shall
duty of the members casting such votes to state the grounds of
their action. In case they fail to do so, the person shall be
declared elected, notwithstanding;
but if at least one makes the required explanation, another ballot
shall be taken, and in the second balloting a two-thirds majority
of those present
voting shall be sufficient for election.
6. Nominations for election
to alumni memberships shall be referred to the Committee on Alumni
and Honorary Membership. No nomination
for such
a membership
shall be brought before the chapter for action unless favorably
reported by the committee. The committee shall be guided by
criteria defined
in Article III, 1, b, of the Chapter By-laws, and committee
recommendations shall include
a written statement of the qualifications of each nominee.
Election shall
by separate secret ballot; in case of one negative vote the
candidate is elected; two negative votes shall serve to reject.
No more
than two alumni
members may
be elected in any year, not more than four in any Triennium
of the United Chapters.
7. Procedures for the nomination and election
of honorary members shall be the same as for alumni members,
except that one negative
vote shall
to reject. A statement of the qualifications of each candidate
elected to honorary
membership shall be sent to the Secretary of the United Chapters.
No graduate of another institution having a chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa shall be recommended
for election without the consent of that chapter. No more
than two honorary members may be elected in any Triennium of the
United Chapters.
1. The form of initiation shall be according
to "A Ritual of Phi Beta
Kappa" suggested to the chapters by the National Council of 1928,
or subsequent revisions.
2. Provision shall normally be made for initiating new members. In extraordinary
circumstances, the Executive Committee may waive initiation.
3. The initiation fee for members in course, alumni and honorary members
shall be as designated by the Executive Committee, payable before initiation.
Chapter proceedings, in all cases not provided for in
the constitution or By-laws, shall conform to the rules laid down in
Robert's Rules of Order
Newly Revised,
and subsequent revisions.
VIII. Amendments
Amendments to these By-laws, not inconsistent
with the Constitution and other lawful regulations of the United
Chapters, may be adopted
by a two-thirds
vote of the members present at an annual meeting, either upon motion
presented and
tabled at a preceding annual meeting, or upon condition that written
notice of the proposed changes has been sent to all resident
members at least
weeks in advance of the meeting. All amendments shall be subject
to the review of the Senate of the United Chapters.