Laboratory, improved, 322. |
Lake, Willard G., Instructor, 370. |
Landis, William W., Professor, 369. |
Latrobe, Benjamin, plans for West College, 92,
96. |
Law in the College, 393-394. |
Law School, authorized as college department,
241; early graduates of, 242;
reëstablished as Dickinson School of Law, 362. |
Learned, Henry D., Instructor, 372. |
Legislative inquiry, 221. |
Leven, Lady, tries to dissuade Dr. Nisbet, 29. |
Lindsay, William Birckhead, Professor, 352. |
Lippincott, Joshua A., Professor, 345. |
Little, Charles J., Professor, 345. |
Lloyd Hall for Women, acquired, 365. |
Lottery for the College advertised, 126-127;
receipts for tickets reproduced, 127,
128. |