Men's Gymnastics 1890
Photograph courtesy of Dickinson College Archives
From left to right:  Unknown, Van Pierce Northrup (class of 1891), Henry Budd (class of 1891), unknown, unknown (class of 1892), unknown, Herbert Westwood (class of 1893), unknown.

This photograph shows the members of the College Gymnastics Club, posing in the Old Gymnasium.  Students were required to exercise and in the following year two years of "Physical Culture" were required for graduation.  Fletcher Durell, a professor of mathematics and astronomy the students called "Flip," took the responsibility of drilling the male students with indian clubs.
The Gymnasium, situated to the west of the Tome scientific building, was completed in 1885, at a cost of  seventy-five hundred dollars.  Three years later, thanks to a gift from William Clare Allison, the gymnasium was provided with the best equipment "of  invention and mechanical skill, for giving effect to the suggestions of medical science for securing harmonious physical development." When the Alumni Gymnasium, now the Weiss Center, was built in 1931, the space was used as a college common and a social and banquet hall.  In 1953 the building lost one of its walls in a storm and was taken down, leaving only the heating plant, parts of which stand to this very day.

Charles Coleman Sellers, Dickinson College: A History (1973)