Inter Fraternity Council

The Inter Fraternity Council of 1934

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President:Benjamin D. James
Bachelor of Arts
Phi Kappa Psi
Vice President: W. Wallace Brown
Bachelor of Arts
Phi Delta Theta
Secretary:George H. Sacks
Bachelor of Philosophy
Theta Chi
Treasurer:Robert J. Finney
Bachelor of Science
Sigma Chi
Palmyra, N.J.

    The Inter Fraternity Council was developed to settle disputes among the fraternities and to make sure that all fraternities adhered to the rules.  The council was made up of nine fraternities who each sent two members to represent them during meetings.  Each of the four officer's positions had to be held by a different fraternity allowing no single fraternity an advantage. 1  Overall the council was designed to allow the fraternities to work together.  During 1934 an all school dance sponsored by the fraternities was discussed.  However, no progress was made in bringing this idea to life. 2
    The IFC did not carry out its duties well.  Rather than punish fraternities for breaking the rules the IFC was used to keep each fraternity from getting in trouble.  Punishments were rarely given and problems were often over looked.  In a sense the IFC helped legitimize a fraternity's actions, even when those actions did not adhere to the rules.  Each fraternity could act out with little recourse because most often the other fraternities were doing the same thing. 3  The phrase 'you scratch my back I scratch yours' describes the situation well.
    Many students also had grievances with the IFC.  The politics that should have dealt with during meetings of the IFC spread out into other campus activities.  Both athletic and non-athletic organizations were influenced by fraternity politics.   This led to unfair practices that often discriminated against people who were not members of the controlling fraternity.  The other major issue that students had with the IFC was its refusal to allow the Jewish fraternities on the council.  Students felt that all fraternities no matter what religion should be given equal representation. 4

Inter Fraternity Council Constitution 5
Rushing Rules for 1934 6
1. Dickinson College Student's Handbook 1933 - 1934. Pp. 88-90. Dickinson College. Carlisle, PA.
2. Dickinson College Microcosm of 1934. Pp. 220. Dickinson College. Carlisle, PA.
3. Dickinsonian, October 27, 1934. Pp. 3. Dickinson College. Carlisle, PA.
4. Dickinson College Microcosm of 1934. Pp. 157. Dickinson College. Carlisle, PA.
5. Dickinson College Student's Handbook 1933 - 1934. Pp. 88 - 89. Dickinson College. Carlisle, PA.
6. Dickinson College Student's Handbook 1933 - 1934. Pp. 90 - 91. Dickinson College. Carlisle, PA
                                                                                                                                                            -Dustin Hobaugh '03
Class of 1934     Chronicles

Dickinson College

Dickinson 1934 is a project of Prof. Osborne's History 204 Class, Fall Semester 2000.