Faculty Policies

    The Dickinson College Faculty had thirteen meetings during the 1933-1934 school year. The faculty typically met the first Monday of every month. They met more in September and June to deal with the up coming school year. Clarence Johnson Carver was the secretary of the faculty and clearly summarized what was said at the meeting within the minutes.
    The faculty policies regarding students changed several times with the class of 1934. Every president brought forth new policies. However, in 1934 the faculty was "happy" to have James Henry Morgan back and were thankful for his return1 . The year was spent returning things to the way Morgan had before he left. This meant dealing with absences and the withdrawal of academically "poor" students.
    The first meeting on September 12, 1933 dealt with how the upperclassmen would deal with the new regulations concerning requirements for graduation. It was decided they had to meet either the old or the new regulations to graduate. The rest of the meetings dealt with different policies on either absences or financial aid.. One policy that affected many students stated that by the beginning of the second semester all students whose grades averaged less then seventy percent for the first semester would forfeit all their financial grants they received during the first semester2 . This affected many students and it was hard to deal with since the Depression happened only five years ago. Another policy Morgan implemented was that the faculty members were forbidden to tutor students for make-up examinations3 .
    Absences from class was another major concern of the faculty. It was decided that the Deans of the class would deal with them before coming to the faculty. The Board of Deans would therefore come to the faculty meetings prepared to announce who would be withdrawing because of absences and so forth4 .
    Other things were decided upon within the faculty meetings such as who would help organize the Sesiqu-Centennial celebration or would take charge of the commencement ceremonies. The faculty also decided upon what faculty member should be on a certain committee for the following year. The last faculty meeting of the 1933-1934 school year was held on June 6, 1934.


    1. Faculty Minutes, September 9, 1933, p. 108, Faculty Minutes 1928-1941.
    2.Faculty Minutes, March 5, 1934, p. 117, Faculty Minutes 1928-1941.
    3.Faculty Minutes, February 5, 1934, p. 113, Faculty Minutes 1928-1941.
    4. Faculty Minutes.


    Faculty Minutes 1928-1941, Dickinson College Archives.

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-Cynthia L. Mackey '03
Class of 1934     Chronicles

Dickinson College

Dickinson 1934 is a project of Prof. Osborne's History 204 Class, Fall Semester 2000.