1. James Henry Morgan, draft of address to the trustees, Jan., 1914; Boyd Lee Spahr to Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., Oct. 20, 19 36. DCA.

2. Catalogue, 1888-89, p. 30.

3. Morgan to A. S. Downing, April 19, 1920, Morgan Papers, DCA: "One of the first acts of my administration was to stop this work for which I felt that we were not well prepared."

4. Morgan to W. M. Yeingst, July 3, 1920. Morgan Papers.

5. Feb. 23, 1928. Ibid.

6. Morgan to George D. Crissman, Sept. 7, 1922. Ibid.

7. Catalogues, 1924-25, etc.

8. Morgan's oration, The Politician, is reported in the American Volunteer, June 28, 1877; Carlisle Herald, June 28, July 5, 1877; and Dickinsonian, July, 1877.

9. James Henry Morgan, Dickinson College (Carlisle, 1933), p. 352.

10. Dickinsonian, Oct., 1884.

11. Ibid., Jan., 1891.

12. Ibid., Dec., 1885.

13. Ibid., Oct., 1891.

14. Central Pennsylvania Conference, Minutes, 1893, pp. 10, 33. Admitted to full membership, ibid., 1895, p. 29.

15. Dickinsonian, Jan., 1893.

16. Carlisle Daily Herald, Feb. 19, 1896; Feb. 17, 1904.

17. Frysinger Evans to Morgan, Dec. 12, 1924. Morgan Papers. Morgan, p. 375. Trustee Minutes, May 15, 1914. DCA.

18. Morgan, p. 376.

19. Trustee Minutes, June 4, 1921, p. 687.

20. George Edward Reed to William Hoblitzell, Dec. 19, 1901. DCA. Morgan to Miss Nannie Reich, Jan. 14, March 14, 1919; to Mrs. Mary E. Aregood, Aug. 11, 1920. Morgan Papers. Morgan to S. Carroll Coale, May 20, 1922, and statement on scholarship policy, July 24, 1935. DCA. Scholarship claims have continued to be a matter of occasional concern. Executive Committee Minutes, Feb. 3, 1956, DCA, place the value of an unused certificate as "an amount not exceeding the tuition fee of the College at the time of issue."

21. Information from Herbert Wing, Jr. Morgan on "Dickinson in China," DCA.

22. Filler to Dean Robert Williams, May 11, 1921. Morgan Papers.

23. Morgan, p. 388.

24. Mervin G. Filler, "Why They Quit Dickinson," Dickinson Alumnus, May, 1924, pp. 10 - 11.

25. Morgan to Robert Johns Tevorrow, June 23, 1922. Morgan Papers.

26. Mervin G. Filler, "The Last Decade at Dickinson," Alumnus, Aug., 1923, p. 25.

27. Ibid., pp. 24-26. Faculty Minutes, June 23, 1919: agreement on "special work looking toward special honors at commencement," and termination of the A.M. in cursu,

28. Catalogue, 1922-23. Morgan, p. 382. Information from Herbert Wing, Jr.

29. Filler, "Last Decade," p. 25.

30. Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chapter, Minutes, June 5, 1926, p. 107. DCA.

31. April 24, 1926.

32. To Mr. Kellogg, c. June-Aug., 1922. Morgan Papers.

33. Saul Sack, History of Higher Education in Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, 1963), vol. 2, pp. 523-24.

34. Trustee Minutes, Jan. 9, Feb. 26, 1913. Boyd Lee Spahr to Eugene A. Noble, Feb. 16, 1914. DCA.

35. Boyd Lee Spahr to Mervin G. Filler, March 15, 1922. Morgan Papers. Trustee Minutes, June 4, 1923.

36. Morgan to President Emery W. Hunt, Bucknell, Sept. 26, 1924. Morgan Papers. Mervin G. Filler, letters to alumni on campus drinking, 1928. DCA.

37. Paul L. Hutchison to William W. Edel, May 14, 1959. Spahr Papers 1003-03. DCA.

38. Paul E. Zuver, A Short History of Carlisle Barracks (n.p., 1934), p. 135. M. P. Sellers, "Work of the Freshman Dean," DCA.

39. Dickinsonian, Feb. 7, 1918.

40. Morgan to Albert E. McKinley, Pennsylvania War History Commission, Dec. 20, 1919. Morgan Papers. Catalogue, 1918-19 lists SATC members.

41. Dickinsonian Feb. 6, 1919.

42. Morgan to Penrose, Oct. 3, 1919. Executive Committee Minutes, April 29, 1919.

43. Morgan, report, 1926. DCA. Morgan to Edward J. Horn, Dec. 22, 1919, Morgan Papers, states that there had been no increase in salaries for twenty-five years. Beginning then, he made regular small increases.

44. Morgan, pp. 381, 387.

45. Catalogue, 1916-17 and later. Alumnus, May, 1928, p. 10.

46. Morgan to George L. Omwake, Oct. 28, 1927. Morgan Papers.

47. Schecter to Morgan, Oct. 16, 1924. Morgan Papers. Information from Ralph Schecter.

48. Student petition, c. March-May, 1926. Morgan Papers.

49. Morgan to Stough, April 5, 1928. DCA. Information from Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. McIntire, information from D. Wilson Thompson, '21.

50. Information from Dr. Willoughby. "Were You Ever in the Library?" Alumnus, Feb., 1924, p. 18.

51. Trustee Minutes, June 3, 1916. Faculty Minutes, March 3, 1917. DCA.

52. March 15, 1922. Morgan Papers.

53. Information from J. Clair McCullough.

54. Microcosm, 1916, p. 199.

55. After the war, the proportion of women had increased from 1-4 to 1-3. Serious opposition in 1923 is described by Morgan to Bishop McDowell, Aug. 9, 1923, Morgan Papers; and the whole matter covered by Josephine B. Meredith, "Women at Dickinson College," DCA. Admission of women to the faculty is discussed by Meredith. Morgan informed Dean F. Louise Nardin, University of Wisconsin, March 24, 1920, Morgan Papers, that women had been admitted to full faculty membership three years before.

56. Minutes, Faculty Committee on Government and Discipline, Jan. 26, 1911, pp. 6, 12-19. DCA.

57. Ibid., Dec. 4, 1912, p. 25.

58. Trustee Minutes, June 8, 1914. Morgan, p. 375. Dickinsonian, Nov. 4, 1914 and Feb. 14, 1915.

59. Dickinsonian, May 2, 1916. Ibid., Oct. 17, 1919, and Student Senate to Morgan, Oct. 3, 1919, Morgan Papers, on agreement to end after-chapel scraps.

60. Dickinsonian, Nov. 17, 1923.

61. information from D. Wilson Thompson and J. Clair McCullough.

62. Faculty Minutes, June 1, 6, 1923. Microcosm, 1924, p. 66.

63. Morgan to George W. Williams on Anti-Saloon League, Dec. 12, 1921; to Franklin C. Southworth, May 2, 1922, and to Willis J. Abbot, May 8, 1924, on drinking; Morgan Papers.

64. Albert J. Bates, '28, to Filler, in Filler letters to alumni, Nov. 1928, on campus drinking. DCA.

65. Information from Ralph Schecter.

66. Dickinsonian, Nov. 8, 1928. Meredith gives the daily routine at Metzger. Meredith to Morgan, c. June-Aug., 1922. Morgan Papers. Morgan to Meredith, Nov. 4, 1919, ibid., discusses rules for women and urges self-government.

67. Information from Benjamin D. James.

68. Morgan to Walter E. Harnish, Hedding College, May 6, 1924. Morgan Papers.

69. Morgan, report, Trustee Minutes, June 4, 1923. Morgan to Alfred C. Dieffenbach on fraternities and scholarship, Jan. 2, 1920. Morgan Papers. Faculty Minutes, March 3, 1920, p. 33. Alumnus, Nov., 1924, pp. 5-6.

70. Dickinsonian, Nov., 1923.

71. Morgan, p. 378.

72. Information from May Morris.

73. Nov. 1, 1927. Morgan Papers.

74. Trustee Minutes, Feb. 27, 1914, pp. 582-83.

75. Mervin G. Filler to Hancher, June 4, 1930, Filler Papers, DCA, declines to nominate a friend of Hancher for honorary membership, describing his resistance to undue liberality in this respect in the past.

76. Trustee Minutes, Feb. 26, 1915, p. 607. Extracts from Minutes, 1922. Morgan Papers.

77. Trustee Minutes, June 2, Dec. 14, 1917.

78. April 29, 1919. Morgan Papers. Morgan to Bishop McDowell, Feb. 10, 1920. Ibid. Morgan to John R. Edwards, Nov. 9, 1920. Ibid.

79. Marts and Lundy Survey, 1947, No. 126. DCA.

80. Trustee Minutes, June 12, 1920, pp. 672-73. Correspondence with Abram W. Harris, May 15 to July 6, 1920. Morgan Papers.

81. Morgan to Lemuel T. Appold, Nov. 29, 1920; to J. W. Hancher, Nov. 19, 1921; to F. B. Lynch, Jan. 23, 1922. Morgan Papers. Hancher to Henry W. Jordan, Feb. 5, 1924. Ibid.

82. Trustee Minutes, Nov. 8, 1921, p. 692.

83. Dickinson College, endowment, album of campaign literature, April. Nov, 1922. DCA. Morgan to Clyde Furst, Nov. 16, 1922, defending the campaign literature. Morgan Papers.

84. Morgan, Report, June 3, 1922. DCA. Trustee Minutes, June 3, 1922, p. 695. Trustee Harry L. Price to Morgan, May 31, 1922, "Conference representation will not relieve the tension." Morgan Papers. Morgan to Charles K. Zug, Jan. 15, 1923; to John W. Hancher, Oct. 3, 1921; to Lemuel P. Appold, Oct. 31, 1922. Morgan Papers.

85. Clyde Furst to Morgan, Nov. 3, 1922. Morgan Papers.

86. Anna H. Knipp and T. P. Thomas, History of Goucher College (Balt., 1938), pp. 262-69. John W. Gailey to Morgan, June 26, 1922. Morgan Papers.

87. Dickinson College Endowment, Nov. 15, 1922, Papers on the Campaign. DCA. James H. Morgan, "The Endowment Campaign," Alumnus, May, 1923, pp. 7-8.

88. Edward W. Biddle to Morgan, Jan. 2, 1923; Morgan to J. W. Sparks, May 9, 1923. Morgan Papers.

89. Morgan to A. W. Harris, Board of Education, Methodist Church, Nov. 7, 1924. Ibid.

90. Appenzellar to B. C. Conner, jubilee Fund, May 9, 1921. Ibid.

91. Appold to Morgan, July 27, 1922. Ibid. Trustee Minutes, 1923, p. 706. Alumnus, Sept., 1936, p. 20, Morgan, p. 448.

92. Alumnus, Aug., 1927, p. 11. Henry Logan, '10, in Dickinsonian March 28, 1969. Morgan, Report June 2, 1924, DCA, answering Spahr's criticism.

93. Faculty Minutes, Nov. 23, 1915. Morgan in Dickinsonian, Dec. 2, 1915.

94. Morgan to Roy Kauffman, Gilbert Malcolm and others, July 20, 1920; To Frank E. Masland, Jr., Dec. 6, 1920; to Cornelius W. Prettyman, Jan. 23, 1921. Morgan Papers.

95. Dickinson College Athletic Association to alumni, Jan. 4, 1921, on Killinger; F. G. Jaggers to Morgan, Oct. 16, 1922; Morgan to President Fred W. Hixson of Allegheny, Nov. 23, 1922; Morgan to Prettyman, Dec. 21, 1922. Morgan Papers.

96. Morgan to President Henry H. Apple, Franklin and Marshall, Dec. 4, 1920. Morgan Papers. Alumnus, Nov., 1926, p. 12. Morgan to Appold, Jan. 6, 1931, DCA, on proposal to Carnegie Foundation.

97. Alumnus, May, 1923, pp. 7-8. Information from Ralph Schecter.

98. Kappa Sigma to Morgan, Jan. 11, 1923. Morgan Papers.

99. Alumnus, Aug., 1924, p. 8.

100. Dickinsonian, April 4, 1925.

101. Alumnus, Feb., 1927, p. 6.

102. Information from Louis A. Tuvin.

103. Ibid., Feb., 1929, p. 7. Dickinsonian, June 8, 1929.

104. Trustee Minutes, June 7, 1929, p. 14. The foundation was initiated by a series of lectures on Roman writers and statesmen by Robert Seymour Conway, 1930, later published by Harvard University Press.

105. Boyd Lee Spahr to Mervin G. Filler, Dec. 29, 1930. DCA. Trustee Minutes, June 8, 1925, p. 720, record the authorization of "an educational survey of the College," on motion of Charles K. Zug, indicating an opinion then that procedures needed updating.

106. Russell I. Thompson, "View of the Future of Dickinson College," pp. 6-7. Spahr Papers 1003-73.

107. Spahr to Filler, June 23, 1930. Presidents Papers, DCA.

108. Executive Committee Minutes, March 28, 1931.

109. Spahr to Paul Appenzellar, June 17, 1944. Spahr Papers 1003-71.

110. Catalogue, 1931-32, p. 8. Morgan was a member of the Committee on Trustees, and his correspondence shows his primary interest in the religious affiliations of the membership.

111. John R. Edwards to Boyd Lee Spahr, May 4, 1931; Spahr to Morgan, May 6, 1931. Spahr Papers.

112. Spahr to Morgan on his hope of acquiring the property, July 6, 1925. Morgan Papers. Spahr to alumni, appealing for contributions, Aug. 1, 1932; list of subscribers, Sept. 24, 1932; Karl T. Waugh to trustees, Oct. 20, 1932; Spahr to James G. Steese, Feb. 28, 1933; Spahr to William W. Emmart, architect, July 24, 1937. Spahr Papers 1003.

113. Dickinsonian, Feb. 27, 1930. Prompt and angry protest from Clark F. Hoban. Filler Papers, DCA.

114. Faculty Minutes, April 4, 1932 to Feb. 6, 1933. Information from Mrs. Waugh.

115. Trustee Minutes, Feb. 20, 1932; June 9, 1933.

116. Information from Horace E. Rogers.

117. Faculty Minutes, Sept. 16, 1932, pp. 82-85; March 6, 1933, pp. 94-95. Dickinsonian, April 6, 1933.

118. Waugh to Oril Brown, Sept. 23, 1932. DCA.

119. Spahr to Morgan, June 27, 1933, Spahr Papers, mentioning Curriculum Committee.

120. Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., notes on a conversation with Mrs. Mary Evans Rosa, '89, Aug. 10, 1936. DCA.

121. Trustee Minutes, June 24, 1933, p. 106.

122. Spahr to Morgan, June 26, 1933. Spahr Papers.

123. Correspondence with AAUP, Nov.-Dec., 1933. Spahr Papers.

124. Faculty Minutes, Sept. 12, 1933. McDowell to Morgan, Sept. 23, 1933.

125. Information from Dr. Waugh.

126. Dickinsonian, May 24, 1934. Karl T. Waugh, summaries of professional career. DCA.

127. Morgan to John R. Edwards on the visit of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C. Baldwin, Nov. 17, 1933. DCA.

128. Hartzell to Morgan, April 3, 1934. DCA. Trustee Minutes, June 8, 1934. Dickinsonian, Feb. 15, May 10, 1934. Microcosm, 1934. New Republic, Feb. 7, 1934, laments the decline of academic freedom at Rollins and Dickinson Colleges and calls for an investigation.

129. Waugh, summaries, June 28, 1934. DCA.

130. Steese to Spahr, Feb. 21, 1933. Spahr Papers.