ON October 10, 1931, the trustees elected Karl Tinsley Waugh, Ph.D., LL.D., as President of the College. Dr. Waugh had graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1900, and received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Harvard, where he studied psychology under Professor James. Later he was on the faculties of Beloit College, Berea College, and the University of Southern California, being Dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences in the last-named institution.
Dr. Waugh accepted the election, but other commitments delayed
his coming to Carlisle until January 4, 1932. He then assumed his duties as the eighteenth President of the College. Formal inauguration exercises were held on Friday June 5, 1932 as art of the annual commencement.
The outstanding material event of the eighteen months of Dr.
Waugh's administration was the purchase of Mooreland, a 12-acre estate diagonally across High and College streets, southwest of the main campus of the College. President Mason, 1821-1824, owned 5 acres of property, on which he built a residence. In 1829 this is home of Mason and some adjacent land came into the possession of Johnston
Moore of the Class of 1829. On the death of the last member
of his family in 1930, negotiations with the heirs finally resulted in the transfer of the property to the College a generation-old dream and hope of many Dickinsonians. The price paid was $55,000, of which the Law School paid $5,000 for 1 acre contiguous to its own campus. Eleven acres thus remain to the College, the only property near the campus not already cut up into building lots.
The property is already serving various college purposes. Its
gardens have been appropriated by the college Department of Biology, and other parts are used for athletic purposes. The old residence is now the home of the Assistant to the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings. It is a great property, held for any needed possible development of the future.
A full student roster greeted Dr. Waugh in September, 1932, on
the opening of his first full academic year, but June 24, 1933, he resigned as President, and Dr. Morgan was again elected President, to serve as long as it was mutually satisfactory to him and the Board; and he entered upon his duties at once.