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FOR details of facilities for instruction, courses of study, and information of a similar character, the announcements made with the annual catalogues of the College may be consulted.  They may, however, be recapitulated in brief, as buildings ample for collegiate purposes, set in a Campus of unrivaled beauty, libraries in the aggregate containing nearly thirty thousand volumes, philosophical apparatus extensive and annually increasing, collections in natural history that, with proper room for use and display, would be of great value for purposes of instruction, including a beautiful collection of minerals bequeathed to the College by Samuel Ashmead, Esq., of Philadelphia; an observatory armed with an excellent achromatic telescope, with an objective five inches in diameter, of seven feet focal length, and equatorially mounted, and adapted to research as well as instruction; a reading-room, commodious and well lighted, and supplied with a wide range of current literature, &c.

The work of the College is restricted to two courses of study, the one the usual regular course of four years of the best American Colleges for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, with limited election in the Junior and Senior years; the other a Latin-Scientific course, which, on account of the omission of Greek, can be completed in three years, and entitles the student to the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy.  Although students are permitted to pursue a partial course selected out of the other

courses, without being candidates for graduation, such cases are exceptional, and require special action and consent of the Faculty.

The location of the College is one of the most favorable in the middle section of our country.  The Cumberland Valley is unsurpassed in beauty, fertility, and healthiness, whilst the inland situation of the town of Carlisle exempts the students from many temptations to vice and extravagance found in the larger cities.  Connected by the Cumberland Valley railroad, one of the oldest and best in the country, with the city of Harrisburg, eighteen miles distant, the great railroad center of the State, it is readily accessible from Baltimore, Philadelphia, and other points, whilst other roads projected, and doubtless soon to be completed, will open up new routes to Baltimore and the south-west.  The marked contrast in this particular of the present with the earlier days of the College suggests itself.  To refer again to Chief Justice Taney's narrative: It required him two weeks to make the journey from his home, in Calvert county, Maryland, to Carlisle ; as there was no stagecoach or other public conveyance at that time between Baltimore and Carlisle, he and his companion were obliged to wait at an inn in Baltimore, until a wagon could be found returning to Carlisle, not too heavily laden to take their trunks and allow them to ride occasionally, and they were obliged to carry money in specie sufficient to cover their expenses until the next vacation, placed at considerable risks in their trunks, often left in the open wagon in the public wagon-yard; he only visited his home twice during his college course, in both cases performing the journey on foot to Baltimore in two days.  Even in 1833, the leading men of the Methodist Conferences in its first Board of Trustees reached the town in the old stagecoaches converging upon it from different directions. It is somewhat singular that this highly objectionable inaccessibility

of a literary institution, now so happily overcome by the wonderful progress of half a century, did not prevail against the establishment of the College, or even against its later adoption by the Methodist Church.

The present condition of the College may be described as full of encouragement to its friends.  It seems more firmly established than at any previous period of its history.  Without debt, with resources sufficient to carry on all the college work creditably, with a promise of a steady, healthy increase in the number of its students, with projected improvements likely to be realized, with evidences of newly awakened interest on every side, among the friends of education in the Conferences and its Alumni, frequently manifested in inquiries as to the plans for the celebration of its rapidly approaching centennial, there is every reason to hope that it will soon fully recover the proud position it once occupied.

Its fifty years of history, in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church, have been the most flourishing, as well as highly creditable to that denomination, and are filled with associations and memories that must continue to deepen the hold of the College upon it, whilst its continual contributions of Alumni to its various fields of labor, indicate the high place that it fills in the economy of that Church.  One of its most honored bishops, its senior missionary secretary, the President of its leading theological seminary, many of the pastors of its leading churches, suggest themselves at once among her prominent sons, whilst in the preparation of the Biblical and Theological Library, ordered by the General Conference of 1872, both editors are graduates of Dickinson, two of the leading volumes are assigned to sons of the same family, and the first of the series to appear, admittedly a credit, not only to the Church, but to the country, comes directly from the College itself.  In its long, unbroken line of Alumni are

found many eminent in all positions in life, including a President of the United States, as well as a Chief Justice, Judges, Senators, Congressmen, Cabinet Officers, and professional men of high rank.  To quote the words of one of the highly hon-ored  "first Faculty:" "Happy is the mother who has reared such sons.  When the hundredth anniversary of the opening of Dickinson College shall arrive, let her living Alumni come up from all parts of the country, and from the four quarters of the earth, and gather around her hearth-stone to rejoice together, and to pledge anew their fidelity to culture, patriotism, and religion, to one another, and to Alma Mater.  Let them come with full hearts and hands, and pour into her lap such offerings as shall place her where her founders meant she should stand — in the front rank of American colleges."

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